There’s not a lot of local soccer coverage online so I decided to try my hand at writing about DC United. The catch: I’m just a fan. I’m not being paid for this. When DC United loses, as it often does, I move on with my life. But if they win, suddenly I am seeking out the smallest bits of coverage and watching the highlights of a game I’ve already seen to enjoy it. Call me a fair weather fan if you like, but I’ve got better things to do than wallow in losses.

So this newsletter will have coverage for each game…that DC United wins. And also when they draw. I think. Less coverage for draws, maybe. Especially infuriating home draws. And losses? We’re just going to move on. Be a goldfish.

So that’s the plan. This is the All-Points Bulletin because it covers games where DC gets points. Or a point. That’s the point of the title. So to speak.

Posting Schedule

Probably a couple days after each game? We’ll see. As with any amateur publication run by one guy, posts could also dry up without notice or explanation.

About Me

I grew up in the area and have been going to DC United games since the 2004 season. There are fans who’ve been around longer and/or who are much more hardcore than I am, but I was at RFK for the 2004 Eastern Conference Final and saw people like Brian Carroll’s brothers playing reserve league matches at the auxiliary fields while Piotr Nowak watched from his car.

Over the years I’ve tried to learn more about soccer tactics and I think I’ve gotten a lot better at seeing the game and evaluating players, but I’m definitely not an expert. I’m just someone who enjoys thinking about the team and wants to try his hand at writing about them.

Why Subscribe?

All the posts are free. Subscribing is free. I’m using Substack so that venture capitalists pay for ad-free blog hosting. Subscribing just means any posts I make get emailed to you. Pretty convenient! Email subjects will be kept spoiler free for any deferred viewers out there, but spoilers will abound once you open the email.

Subscribe to All-Points Bulletin

Coverage of DC United games where they win or tie.


I've been writing about science fiction and fantasy for more than two decades.